Walk around Reykjavik
Last stop in Iceland
The capital was the last stop on my Iceland trip (gallery). After two weeks in the middle of stunning nature, a walk around Reykjavík turned out to be a completely different experience. I think we already get used to the emptiness, space and desertedness. And since our road trip was quite intense, we decided to spend the last three days in Iceland wandering around without a specific (tourist) destination and eating well.
The capital
The capital region is home to two-thirds of the country’s population, which is only 222,500 people. You can imagine that it is not the largest city. That’s why a walk around Reykjavik is very relaxing. Even despite the cold weather. The city lacks the rush of other European capitals. The streets are bustling but without the noise of cars (maybe because most of them are electric?). Restaurants and bars are full of people and good food – I particularly recommend Braud & Co and Forréttabarinn.
Although the city plan is not regular, Reykjavik gives the impression of being very structured thanks to its uniform architecture. Whether it is traditional wooden houses, industrial buildings or modern architecture, we can see that symmetry and rhythm are maintained. A beautiful contrast to the whole is the ubiquitous, energising street art.
Travel Palette of Reykjavik
The city repeats the country’s natural colours – dark, silvery and cold. But we can also notice other strong colours, especially present in street art and architectural details. The most common of these is red.